Wednesday, April 25


yes, yes. i've been idle for what has seemed like forever. but, the excuse is... I'VE MOVED. this girl is officially a DC resident and it's been a crazy transition, one that's not quite complete yet. it's great, and such a change and it probably won't really feel like home for a while but i love it and always knew i would end up living here after college. okay.
back to normal business!
i admit. i follow a plethora of food blogs. and would you believe their highest criteria to sit well with me is the photography? it's a magical thing. photographs can make me crave food that i hate. crazy.
my most-liked of the moment (and newest addition to my blogroll) is the kitchy kitchen. not only does miss claire thomas feature gorgeous photos of delicious treats and dishes, but there are videos! yes, inspiring, creative, well-made, videos -- to some of my favorite recipes blogged. it's a small gesture that matters a great deal to me. total motivation to actually see a short and sweet step-by-step 1-minute clip of how i can go about recreating a recipe. you will love this food blog, i promise.